Kamis, 20 Desember 2007

Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari

Berikut ini kalimat-kalimat sehari-hari yang saya kumpulkan dari murid-murid saya. Nampaknya kalimat tanya ini sangat penting bagi mereka dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari sesama teman mereka.
Kamu lihat Fredy tidak?
-Do you see Fredy?
-Do you know Fredy?
Kalau mau beli CD blank dimana, sih?
-Where can we get blank CD?
-Where can we buy blank CD?
-I want to buy blank CD. What shop sells it?
-I want to buy blank CD. Do you know where?
-Do you know what shop sells blank CD?
Hari ini praktek olahraga nggak?
-Do we have to have sport practice?

Kamu bawa sepeda motor nggak?

-Do you bring your motorcycle?

Nanti sore kamu bimbel nggak?

-Will you have after class activity this afternoon?

Kelas kita sudah selesai dibersih
kan belum?
-Has our classroom been cleaned already?
-Is our classroom already cleaned?

Kamu kena alpha apa nggak?

-Did you have credit from school?

Hari ini kamu terlambat nggak?

-Did you come late this morning?

-Were you late this morning?
-Did you get to school late this morning?

Tugas makalahmu sudah dikumpulkan belum?

-Have you handed your paper task?

Tabel jurnal akuntansimu sudah selesai belum?

-Have you finished your accounting journal table?

Uang sakumu tinggal berapa?

-How much pocket money do you still have?

Kamu sudah sholat belum?

-Have you prayed?
-Have you already prayed?

Tadi pagi kamu kehujanan nggak?

-Did you catch in the rain this morning?

Kamu punya SIM nggak?

-Do you have driver’s license?
-Do you have driving license?

Main ke LABCOM yuk?

-What if we go to LABCOM?

-What do you think if we go to LABCOM?

Sepak bolanya menang nggak?

-Did your team win the game?

Ada maling nggak semalam?
-Was there a thief last night?

Dah tidur belum?

Have you gone to bed already?
Kamu kok bohong se?

-Why do you lie to me?

Kamu ngapel nggak semalem?

-Did you go to your sweetheart’s house last night?
-Did you visit your sweatheart last night?

Kamu nonton bola nggak semalem?

-Did you watch football match last night?

Kemaren kamu berenang nggak di pantai baron?

-Did you swim in Baron’s beach yesterday?
Kamu merasakan ada gempa nggak semalam?
-Did you feel the earthquake last night
Bensin motormu sudah habis belum?
-Doyou still gasoline in your tank?
Kakak kamu jadi menikah minggu besok nggak?

-Will your brother/sister get married next week?

Motor kamu jadi di servis nggak?

-Will you have your motorcycle reviced?

Berapa biaya servisnya?

How much is it for the service?
Badanku capek banget jadi nanti sore nggak les
-I feel so tired so I don’t want to have a class this afternoon.
-I 'm very tired so I don't attend the class this afternoon.

Kelas kita baru selesai di cat

-Our classroom has been painted just now.

PRnya belum semuanya selesai

-I haven’t finished all my homework.
-I don't finish all my assignment yet.

Tadi pagi hujan lebat dan aku hampir terlambat
-It rained heavily this morning so I almost got to school late.

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first president

first president
This is the first president of Indonesia shaking hands with one of the villagers during his visit to a village.